Colourful Autumn Hills

by Aisha Haider

Image of Colourful Autumn Hills


Including delivery


A colourful and cheerful vibrant landscape painting that is a delight to view. This artwork will enhance and brighten up any wall. The painting has been signed in the corner by the artist and has been varnished with gloss for protection. The canvas is of high quality and has been wired at the back, ready to be hung onto the wall. This artwork can also be framed if wished. The painting will come with a certificate of authenticity and will be carefully packed in a cardboard box with protection paper and bubble wrap to ensure safe delivery. Delivery will be made within 2 working days within the UK and within a week outside the UK.

Dimensions: 50.0x76.0x4.0 (WxHxD cm)

Weight: 5.00Kg

N.B Please be aware that individual monitors will display minor differences in tone and colour.

About the artist

Aisha Haider

Find out more about the artist